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Here at BOHO, I maintain the highest standards of sanitation.  I ALWAYS wear gloves & I do not double dip into the wax.
































+Ab Wax -$35
+Back Wax -$55
+Bikini Wax -$40
+Brazillian -$65
+Brow Wax -$15
+Brozilian Wax -$90
+Chest Wax -$45
+Chin Wax -$10
+Ear Wax  -$10
+Full Face Wax -$45
+Full Leg Wax -$75
+Lip Wax  -$10
+Nose Wax -$10
+Under Arms -$25


-Does waxing hurt? 

Maybe a little, depending on how sensitive you are. But once you start waxing on a regular basis, the hair thins out and becomes easier to remove. You'll be surprised at how pain-free the process becomes.


-How to Prepare for Your Brazilian Bikini Wax.

It is a good idea to exfoliate your bikini line – very gently – the night before your Brazilian Wax. In fact, you can gently exfoliate your bikini line every day/evening. This helps prevent those annoying ingrown hairs and aids in a speedy hair removal.

Come to your appointment relaxed. Anxiety can contribute to your wax experience being more painful. Some people have found that Advil or Motrin helps them before a Brazilian Wax. I believe that if you prepare yourself mentally, your wax experience won’t be as bad as you anticipate. If at any time you are too uncomfortable to complete your wax, please let me know immediately.


-How long does the hair have to be?

 Only about a quarter of an inch. Try to avoid shaving between visits for best results.

How often should I wax? Usually every three to four weeks. Start a waxing routing and stick with it... you'll love how smooth your skin will be.


-What is the difference between a bikini wax, a bikini plus and a full brazilian?

 A bikini wax includes the removal of any hair that would stick out the sides of your bathing suit. A bikini plus or French bikini includes that but comes in about an inch on all sides. A full brazilian removes all of it... front to back. You can leave how ever much you want in the front! Just let me know ahead of time.


-What is a Brozilian?

 A full Brazilian wax for men. I offer this as a professional service only. If I become concerned that you are not taking the services seriously, I will politely ask you to leave.

Men have higher levels of testosterone, so they tend to have much more hair than women, and it is much thicker and coarser. For this reason, men’s hair can be more difficult to remove than women’s and treatments tend to take slightly longer than a similar women’s service. We recommend gently exfoliating the area to be waxed before your appointment.

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